Sales & CS Team

Sales & CS Team

Cameron and Simon discussing how to make you successful


Recently shipped

PostHog becomes HIPAA compliant

We're happy to announce that PostHog is now HIPAA compliant and offering Business Associate Agreements (BAAs) for teams on a PostHog Enterprise plan.

Enterprise plans are an add-on for PostHog plan which cost $450 per month and include SAML and SSO enforcement, dedicated support, advanced permissioning, and other features for large orgs.

HIPAA - or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, if you want to be fancy - is a US legislation which applies mostly to healthcare providers. It isn't something most teams need to concern themselves with, but now those who do can get in touch with us to find out more!

Contact us


  • Objective: git good at new sales
  • Goals
    • Increase revenue from new sales and/or expansion of existing customers:
      • Add $1m in revenue from Extra Large customers - Simon
      • Add $500k in revenue from Medium and Large customers - Cameron
    • Get the sales engine working smoothly:
      • Build v1 of our revops platform and kick off Salesforce implementation - Mine
      • Hire 2x Account Executives and (maybe) an inbound SDR - Charles
      • Create v1 of our sales playbook - Charles
    • Have one big (input) number that you own and report publicly each week - Everyone
  • Anti-goals
    • Spending lots of time working to retain customers who are steady state or unlikely to adopt >1 product.
    • Events are not a goal. Instead, we should prioritize spending time in person with existing prospects.



  • Own initial inbound contact requests from the website
  • Deliver compelling product demos
  • Help users get up and running with the product, and introducing the right PostHog people at the right time
  • Make it easy to become a paying customer
  • Ensure long term success with PostHog


  • People currently paying $20k+/year to use PostHog
  • People who could potentially pay $20k+/year to use PostHog

Output metrics

  • New revenue
  • Revenue retention
  • Paying customer logo retention


No sales-y talk - we are direct, open and honest with customers. We share as much as possible publicly, rather than hiding it behind a mandatory demo call. We are honest when we don't know the answer, or if we're not sure that PostHog is the right solution for a customer.

Speed - we are frighteningly responsive. If a customer is in a rush, we do our best to work at their pace. We are clear about expectations, and do not promise what we cannot deliver to close a deal.

Engineers helping engineers - there is nothing more frustrating than talking to a salesperson who can't give you all the answers. We keep 'let me find out from the team' to an absolute minimum.

We don't use sales-y terminology like 'leads' - we are working with other human beings here. They are not sources of revenue to be 'converted'.

Being power users of PostHog is a must - otherwise we won't be credible. PostHog is a big and growing platform, so this is a challenge to stay on top of!

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